Another 10 days Syifa will start to enjoy her 1st meal. So I am now figuring out what kind of solid foods adequate for her.
So mummy got to refresh back all points of relevant.
Then start my gooogling activity.. It is so many info to remind me back about exclusive breastfeeding and baby's solid foods. In the mean time, I did blog-hopping. I am so grateful that I found a summarized info from one of the blogger, Nadiah Sidek ( find out about her- very good writing of her!- thank you Nadiah :)).
For the sake of my memory, sharing, and delivering, I copy-paste from Nadiah (Mohon permisi awak yer Nadiah... :)).
Here's are the info:
Proper feeding is of utmost importance in preventing allergies.
So mummy got to refresh back all points of relevant.
Then start my gooogling activity.. It is so many info to remind me back about exclusive breastfeeding and baby's solid foods. In the mean time, I did blog-hopping. I am so grateful that I found a summarized info from one of the blogger, Nadiah Sidek ( find out about her- very good writing of her!- thank you Nadiah :)).
For the sake of my memory, sharing, and delivering, I copy-paste from Nadiah (Mohon permisi awak yer Nadiah... :)).
Here's are the info:
Proper feeding is of utmost importance in preventing allergies.
- Exclusive breast feeding for the first 6 months provides the ideal protection.
- Weaning foods should not be given too early (Solid foods should be introduced at 6 months).
- Avoid strongly allergenic food for the first year.
- Add only one new food per week so that food that is not well-tolerated can be recognised and removed.
Foods which are least likely to cause allergic reactions (to be introduced from 6 months):
rice, pear, prune, carrot, apple
Foods which are usually well tolerated, but occationally cause allergic reactions (to be introduced from 6 months):
barley, apricot, beef, wheat, plum, spinach, cabbage, oat, banana, chicken, peach, broccoli, lamb, turnip, potato, cherry, corn
Foods which are most likely to cause allergic reactions (to be introduced from 9 months):
berries, egg yolk, legumes, fish
Foods which are highly allergenic (to be introduced from 12 months):
seafood, peanuts, egg white
Doktor tu ada bagitau, masa mula-mula kenalkan baby dengan solid food, bagi nasi semata-mata dulu (kanji kosong - blend atau hancurkan/haluskan secara manual) dalam 1 sudu besar sehari sekali. Kalau penerimaan baby ok, boleh la tambah ke 2 sudu besar dan seterusnya. Lepas seminggu camtu boleh campur dengan carrot. Seminggu lepas tu boleh bagi daging, minggu seterusnya boleh campur dengan ayam atau makanan yang lain lak. Setiap makanan baru, sebaik-baiknya bagi baby makan dalam tempoh seminggu supaya kita dapat trace sama ada makanan tu menyebabkan alahan pada baby atau tak...
Thank you very much Nadiah!
Hmmm.... mcm menarik je baby food containers ni yek....
hehe...takyah mntk permission pun..
Thank u Nadiah :). Thank u sgt2!
my baby soon gonna turn 6mos too..appreciate if u cud share d recipe too..HIHIHIH ;p
Itulah.. U pun kalau jumpa idea2/recipe yg menarik utk baby post up la dlm blog ye.. I dulu mase suhaib xpandai(+ malas sama.. he3) nak varietykan food utk dia. Balik2 mashed potato, bubur nasik wit ikan bilis (since suhaib allergic ayam-klau mkn ayam,jd penyakit muntah2, mmg kecut perut i dibuatnya)dan nestum rice. Sungguh imbalance. Menyebabkan suhaib waktu tu menjadi selective trhadap makann. This time berazam nak jd a hardworking mommy (sblm ni xhardworking ker??), err.. nak jdi LEBIH hardworking dgn memasak setiap hari utk baby- (*bkn 2-3 hari sekali yerrr..*). n intoduce more fruits(ayik2 papaya jerr*) n vegies (*asyik2 bayam jerk*).
hurm..at least u dah ada experience..me ? naddaaa ilek..kena start cari few recipe dah ni ;p
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